Asset Energy plans to undertake the Seablue-1 exploration drilling activity, a single drilling operation targeting natural gas resources within Petroleum Export Permit 11 (PEP-11} in Commonwealth waters. Located approximately 26 km offshore and 30 km south-southeast of Newcastle, the drilling site lies at a depth of approximately 125 meters. The target reservoirs are the Early Permian Mulbring and Muree Sandstone formations, where the presence of lean gas and small quantities of condensate (natural gas liquids) is anticipated.

Currently Asset Energy, through its EP consultant Klarite, is initiating consultation with State and Commonwealth departments and agencies that have functions, interests and activities that may be affected by the proposed activity.

Consultation with other relevant persons will commence in due course. Any individual, group or organisation that believes they have functions, interests and activities that may be affected by the proposed exploration drilling program can register as a potential consultee below.